Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.

Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.

Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.

~Pueblo blessing

We welcome anyone who knew Adele to post on this blog any remembrances, comments, images, poems, quotes or whatever you like here. It is a place for us to honour and remember Adele and share with each other our memories and thoughts about her. If you don't have access to post on this blog but would like to, please contact Nicole Fougere at fougeredance3@gmail.com or John Scully at john.scully@sympatico.ca and we will set that up for you. If you would prefer to have us post something for you, please send it on to either of those email addresses and we will be happy to do so.

Saturday 28 March 2015

A message from Adele

Artists Amazing!

Each time I visit the blog I am brought to tears because of the warmth and support that comes from each and every piece.  

Whether a joke, a dance, a song, a poem, an image, 
each brings a joy 
that raises me up 
from dark places that can smother your spirit.  
How can I begin to thank you for such a gift?


Tuesday 24 March 2015

love letter for adele

Images selected and assembled with love for you adele
this is for your smile, the way you wear your fancy coat
the way you stand up, the way your eyes shine
brighter still when you speak
this is for the way you walk
and for all
that you 

Monday 23 March 2015

A Tree of Life

Adele, you observed my first Music Champion class at Stilecroft Elementary, and I will never forget the kindness you showed me, and the gentle mentorship you offered me.  In making this and gathering with other colleagues from the RCM, I was deeply aware that we are the branches of a community you helped to plant, one that continues to grow and thrive.  Thank you Adele for gifting us with everything you are as a person, and everything that you have helped us all to achieve.
- peace and love, Carlie

Sunday 22 March 2015

HI Adele, i'm so happy to be able to connect with you and am sending lots of love and light your way. My friend and fellow musician Rosemary Phelan has a beautiful collection of poetry called every little thing, and this is one of my favourite pieces from it. I've paired it with a track from my second CD called The Pouting Porch, which is all about taking oneself out of the regular madness of life to find a quiet place of peace and rejuvenation, in effect, calling your spirit back. May your spirit and song, which inspire so many of us, continue to ring out. Love, abby 

call your spirit back
in the pale, hopeful light
after a night devoid of stars
the voice of my dis-ease
whispers to me

there's a song everyone's born with
not the same song, but everyone's got one
some people slide right out yelling their song
they hear it from the very beginning and know it's wrong
if someone tries to stop them from singing it

other people,
it takes them time to find their song
maybe they realize it was there all along
but it's too far gone and they have to call it back
say they're sorry and promise with clear and starry eyes
never to forget
their song
belongs to them

some people sing their song but not for long
'cause someone steals it and deals it for cheap protection
or some other warped thing
and it ceases to ring
and when your song's been taken you're shaken and you can't feel,
nothing's real

the world is full of the walking dead
hearts with no songs
of wants

don't be one of the haunted
call back your song
it's too high a price to pay
it's your voice, it's your spirit
it lives to be shared
it's a light, it's a flare for the direst emergencies
it's a bright shield against life's dangerous insurgencies
it's the promise in the sunrise,
the realness on the inside
of you
and of everything

call your spirit back
call your spirit back
call your spirit back

and never, ever
go anywhere without it again

Wednesday 18 March 2015

To you. To honour your journey and your light.

Catherine Mellinger

Monday 16 March 2015

Come Back to the Sea (Song for Adele)

When I was asked to contribute something to this blog, this song came pouring out of me. I hope you all enjoy it.

Adele, I hope the sea is a place you enjoy, and that this song may in some way help you to imagine being there, relishing the sights and sounds, and evoking some fond memories.

Take care, and thanks to everyone who has contributed and put together this blog - I love being a member of this amazing community!

Rufus (aka kashakaman)

Come Back to the Sea (Song for Adele)

Sunday 15 March 2015

a dance about love or...

Hi Adele,
I made this little hand dance at the Art for Adele crafts night. I think it shares a little story of love. For anybody else reading this, what do you think it shares? Please post a comment below. I'd love to hear from you.

Saturday 14 March 2015

A fold-out postcard from Thorncliffe and Leaside

Hi Adele,
Because of what you said last time I saw you, I am thinking about how to connect my Leaside school with the nearby but immensely different and more colourful world of Thorncliffe. Some pictures from the two worlds:


Here is a warmup exercise we created, sharing what we are grateful for. I love this even though it was a casual 10-minute piece. Later we painted flowing silk banners with imagery expressing gratitude and thanksgiving in a mixture of Bangladeshi fabric motifs, Urdu, Tagalog, Arabic and English lettering.
Manzu and I papier-macheing a prop tree.

Here is the Festival of Story group, ready to perform their personal stories . They are all so elegant! Behind us, see the tree under which everyone told their stories and performed.

Here is artwork by the participants, relating their personal stories in visual form.

Here I am building an embroidery table for the kindergarten students at my school.
(Beyond me is my dad's piano body which he is using as a vibrating amp to play back music generated by his aeolian harp. Did I ever mention that he is an artist/scientist, and high tech inventor?)


Here are the students embroidering. They love this activity and the table is always set up in a classroom these days. There are four year olds in that group who figured out on their own how to create sophisticated patterns. I wish I could show their lovely faces too, but not online.

This postcard is the beginning of a thought which you catalyzed in our last conversation. How to bring these two worlds together? While Leaside has the money, Thorncliffe has the cultural wealth.


                                                                 "Sustenance" by Ann Patteson
                      Dear Adele,
I wish you daily sustenance and peace on this present journey.
                                                        With affection and respect,
                                                    Ann Patteson

Adele, like a rose

                                                              Julia Arnold

Friday 13 March 2015

Hi Adele,

Here's a graphic put together by Sasha. I look forward to our next coffee and tea!

Best  wishes always,

A Message from Adele

My sincerest thanks to all of you for connecting me to your talent, creativity and supportive wishes.  I have been missing my work with artists and the  powerful  impact  you have on teachers and  children.  This blog allows me to reflect on our times together and appreciate your passion for your art and the gift that it provides us all.  
Thank you so much.  
It is truly uplifting.
Hi Adele,

Well I'm kinda a retired person now so I haven't much in the way of school art to share. And my focus has shifted away from puppets and back to music.

However........ I think I'm becoming a poster child for retired persons who take MOOCs. Back in 2012 an enabler on Facebook posted "free university courses available on coursera". So I like a fool checked it out and took a nice itty bitty course on World Music.  It proved to be a gateway drug.  In 2012 I took just 1 course.  In 2013 just 2.  In 2014 it jumped to 8. Frankly 2015 is beginning to scare me.

All but one of these courses involve music and I've even taken 'How to Write Like Mozart' twice. So I'm posting a piece I've written that I hope will cheer you up. I want you to know no delicate human fingers have been damaged in the playing of this piece although my computer may have cowered a little when one of my files from program 'A' did not play nice with program 'B'.  I know Adele, computer files that screw up.  I assure you that I am as shocked as you must be.  


P.S. All the puppets send their love too! (They also say why don't I get a decent video camera and an editing program so they can say 'take care' in person but you know puppets - snark, snark, snark!)

Thursday 12 March 2015

Dear Adele,
 Last week  I came across 'Kite Runner' the book and I thought of the very first time I was introduced to you... my interview for LTTA... you had just seen the movie and began with a conversation about the story and its location to ensure I was at ease...  I later understood it was your classic, signature way... to make people welcome. 
Sharing this poem by Rumi that is part of the film as well.

Spring Sunshine

This morning I woke up to sunshine and the sounds of the birds making a joyful racket in the tree outside my window, it made me smile to hear them chattering about the change in the weather because it reminded me of the times we all got together at the RCM and had such a happy chatter. 
We are planting seeds and potting up dahlia tubers this weekend and I am setting aside a few with your name on them...so I am opening the invitation again for you to come for a stroll in the garden and we can chatter like we have done at past PD's and sip cool drinks under the maple trees. 
I will send you pictures of your flowers as they grow and bloom. 

Hugs Laurie 
ps This watercolour is done with an IPhone app, a friend Diana rode over last year and filled her bike basket with flowers.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Breaking Waves

Breaking waves on the sea of time.
Splashing through the broiling waters,
rising and falling with the swells.
Steadying ourselves
on our tip toes,
to catch a glimmer
of the golden island
 on the horizon: 
love and understanding.
Such a long way to get there
but definitely worth the journey.

Wishing you steady winds and calm waters, 

Art Making Gathering for Adele

We had a marvelous time sharing 
stories and creativity this evening 
as we made Art for Adele. 
Thanks to all who were able 
to join us. We welcome everyone 
to continue posting your 
"art hellos" to Adele.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Message for Adele from Gerhard Maynard


I want to let you know I am thinking about you and I am championing you from the Wet Coast--:) I think of the time that I spent with you when I was in Toronto. It was often brief and we had many meetings but I wanted to share a few things that never left me about the time we spent together and the interactions we had.

You have a lovely and amazing grace about you which just permeates through your interactions with others. I found myself thinking that whether it was a school that was lucky enough to work with you, a new teacher, a child, an artist--they were truly lucky human beings to have crossed paths with you. Your smile is infectious, your love of teaching and learning is clear, and you truly have a passion that ignites us. It was so lovely to see you at the Summer concert on Sue's balcony.

Each of us is formed and shaped by the experiences that we have with others. The kindness we receive, the compassion we are given, the space to learn and grow, and the gentle guidance of someone who truly cares--thank you for that gift that you continue to give. As you are being cared for and surrounded by friends and family I want to remind you of all the wings that you have given to us---to artists, children, your colleagues and I hope you in turn feel supported by our strength and love.

Big hugs from across the mountains,

Gerhard Maynard

Inspired by jokes

Great joke Paula!
I honour your playfulness with another joke.

A man bought a very special and expensive parrot. The parrot could speak in three different languages! He gave this fancy parrot to his parents as a gift. A week later he called his parents to see if they liked the parrot. 
"Oh yes," they said, "we liked him very much. He was delicious." 
"What!" said the man. "You ate that parrot! Didn't you know that this was a very special and expensive parrot who could speak three different languages?"
"Well!" said his parents, "If he knew so many languages, why didn't he speak up and say something before we cooked him?!"

Hope this makes you smile today Adele.

Hugs from Nicole
Dear Adele,

I felt the most important thing I could contribute to this site was a joke. So here is a joke for you, short and sweet:

Where can you find a dog with no legs?

Right where you left him. He hasn't moved. He's not going anywhere.

with hugs.

Monday 9 March 2015

Hi Adele,

It's been a deep pleasure to work with you in LTTA, and see your love and dedication to students, teachers, and the arts.  I am sending you warm and caring thoughts.  All the best, Ellen
Here is a Haiku I wrote for you:

shining like spring sunlight
in a darkened world, the light
of art brightens our hearts.

And here is a poem I love and find helpful and healing, "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver.

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes, 
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, 
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting  
over and over announcing your place 
in the family of things.

Oceans of Light

We are eternal beings
A Song from David (Nicole's Dad):


Sister Agnes and Sister Doreen

by Kate Hyde and Thomas Aitken- December 2014

Sister Agnes and Sister Doreen sing through their noses but nevertheless their message of good will and best fortune are deeply sincere.

My very best wishes,

Bob Barton

Dinosaur Patterning for Two Year Olds

Dear Adele,
I teach wee ones at the RCM on Saturdays. We have been experimenting with a multidisciplinary program for ECE. Here are some pics of my forays into teaching patterning through visual art to two year olds. We are playing with hand made play dough and exploring making dino footprints and other patterns. I love, and know you do too, how little people jump into story journeys so readily. They are always making characters and connections and scenarios in their free play. Even though my teacher brain was thinking about teaching patterns, the children took that free play to a whole new place. You can imagine some of their stories through these pictures. Enjoy!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Dear Adele,
I snapped this just last month in Montevideo Uruguay! The city holds much beauty-
much humanity and ease. This picture reminds me of the young at heart - of all the
people in my life who remember and share gifts. You are a gift to me to so many people.
XOXO from Michelle

Saturday 7 March 2015

sharing stories

Hello Adele
I thought I would share this comic with you. It was made with a few very nice friends, at my monthly comics jam. We start with pages containing 6 empty panels and everyone makes a picture in panel 1. On this one, I drew my friend and I, with her daughter, at the Jean-Michel Basquiat show at the AGO. Then everyone passes their page to the next person in the circle, and we all draw panel 2. We keep going until the pages, and the stories, are complete. Then we share, and find out what happened in all the stories we worked on together. I know you will appreciate this collaborative art-making process, as well as this particular story about children and art galleries!
Soon time for tea in Consecon.
xo Martha

Thursday 5 March 2015

A dance for Adele starts in the garden and waltzes in my heart.
I made this head dress out of a favorite branch...the red amaranth reminds me of you - your beauty - your profound wisdom.
Sending you joy and love,

Wednesday 4 March 2015

A "Blogged Bouquet", for a Beautiful Lady

Sending hugs and floral smiles ! 

Stones of Reflection

On my desk are several stones 
from kairn building activities
that I have done with LTTA artists
near and far. These are a few that 
I thought I would share with you 
today. I hope that they provide 
some inspiration and 
reflection as they have for me. 

Sunday 1 March 2015

Ah Spring, please hurry...

This first day of March makes me crave the coming season. Birds, blossoms and all the fresh newness.
This sculpture entitled "Pond Goddess" pays homage to the beauty of spring and all its abundance.
I hope Adele you get out to the county soon and we can meet up perhaps,
and search around for those first signs and sigh together.  Hugs, Andrea