Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.

Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.

Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.

~Pueblo blessing

We welcome anyone who knew Adele to post on this blog any remembrances, comments, images, poems, quotes or whatever you like here. It is a place for us to honour and remember Adele and share with each other our memories and thoughts about her. If you don't have access to post on this blog but would like to, please contact Nicole Fougere at fougeredance3@gmail.com or John Scully at john.scully@sympatico.ca and we will set that up for you. If you would prefer to have us post something for you, please send it on to either of those email addresses and we will be happy to do so.

Sunday 28 June 2015

a magical story

Dear Adele, I'm starting week two at the Banff Centre for the Arts. What an incredible life-enhancing first week I've had! So many amazing experiences. I couldn't have dreamed up a better learning adventure for myself. It is deliriously wonderful.
Today I want to share with you a more playful and intimate story. My good friend's children, Morgen and Lillian, are out here in Banff. They are moving back to Ontario tomorrow but today I got to spend the whole day as Aunty Nicole. Oh the play-stories we wove! In the morning we were acting out stories about all kinds of magical creatures and Lillian said she wanted to be a magical creature that had never been known before - had never been named before. She called herself the magical nothing. Later, we were sitting outside by the beautiful Banff forest and I began the kind of story where they can fill in the blanks. Kind of like, "Once upon a time there were... what are we?" Or later in the story something like, "And they knew they had to ask for help...So who did they ask?" This is the story we found together. On the deck there were some random pieces of broken plastic that ignited the beginning of the story. Who the characters were and the crux of what the problem in the story was and how the characters worked to solved the problem of the story really came from the girls themselves. They began to act out the characters and to tell the story themselves. They spontaneously created a work of art with found objects to go with the story. Curious about the story now? I'll share it. So here goes.

Once upon a time a group of magical nothings lived in the forest. A little magical nothing found something small and broken in the forest and she called to the other magical nothings for help. Together they studied the pieces. They felt the pieces belonged to something very important but they didn't know what it was or how to fix it. They knew they needed to ask for help. So they danced and sang and called on the deer to come and help them. The deer had forest knowledge different from that of the magical nothings. The deer recognized the broken pieces. It was something that had broken a long time ago when the forest stopped being loved. The magical nothings vowed to work to put it back together. They looked at all the shiny pieces and try to puzzle them together. They worked late into the night. As the pieces fit together they began to glow. The moon saw this and it smiled. As they worked the found some of the pieces didn't fit back together so well anymore, so the the little magical nothing suggested that they add in gifts of nature such as bark and flowers and leaves to the grand design. The stars saw this and they began to dance. The deer came and helped the work until the almost had every last piece together in one beautiful design. The insects saw this and they began to sing. But even with the moon smiling and the stars dancing and the insects singing they found that there was one piece left that just did not fit. And do you know why it did not fit? Because the forest was still unloved. Try as she might the little magical nothing could not make that one last piece fit. Her sister magical nothing had an idea. She flew around the whole world and collected love offered from all of the living creatures on earth. Her plan was to carry that love back to the forest and to breathe it out onto the broken pieces. But did it work? Did the pieces finally fit back together? Did the forest finally feel love? I don't know, cause that sister magical nothing is still out there collecting love. Better offer some of your love to the forest today. I'm sure it will help.

Mary, my great-grandmother


 Hi Adele, this is a picture of my great-grandmother, Mary Becker Axelrod, who came alone to New York from Lithuania when she was 14 to join her parents, already there. Her brave journey, her enthusiasm for life, and her love have always been an inspiration and comfort to me; she lived into her 90’s and I am glad I had many years to know her.  I love this picture of her on the beach: she was in her late 70’s, or even 80 at the time! It shows her spirit.  (and it’s good to see on this rainy June morning).  Here are a few lines from a poem I wrote about her (adapted a bit from the original).  You, too, have been an inspiration in my art, work, and life – and I hope you have people like Mary in your heart, to keep you safe and warm.

Speak to me of love, sweet as honey and jam,
seasoned with tears...
I talk to you now, across the years...
The plants on your windowsill
grow green beside a brick wall. You are warm
as fresh-baked bread.  I need you now,
and I knead these images in my mind
like challah to be braided, shaped, leavened,
rising in the dark into words we can eat like bread, stories
to help us through the night.
You are warm in a cold season –
Over the water of time, I call to you, 
in a language I am learning to know.

Ellen S. Jaffe (whole poem published in Skinny-Dipping with the Muse, 2014)

Monday 22 June 2015

Hi Adele
I'm trying out my waterproof sketch kit (stone paper, pencil crayon & permanent markers). For a test I re-drew my own version of a little zen saying that I love... Of course, it needs to be waterproof for the bathroom. Enjoy!
xo Martha

Summer Solstice in Banff

Dearest Adele,
I have just arrived at the Banff Centre for the Arts! I'm here for a whole month! 
I can hardly believe it. 
It's a residency about Social Innovation and the participants will be coming from a lot of different sectors, health care, environmentalism, government...
It's wonderful and scary to step out of the familiar arts education structures. 
I am thinking of you and carrying with me a tiny piece of your optimism and resilience in my heart. Come with me.

The air tastes different here. 
Perhaps its all those scrubby tipped coniferous trees are painting the air sweet and clean. Where are the gophers? I adore gophers. What about the elk, the deer, the grizzly bears? (Don't tell my mom there are grizzly bears here.) Will I meet some of these brave creatures? 
The sun tickles the mountain. It smiles back at me. 
I itch to climb. 

I wait alone.
All awkward angles like a kid on the first day of school. I will meet my class in just a few minutes. I stare in the bathroom mirror.  Will I fit in? Will I make friends? I hide my zit. I put sparkles under my weighted eyes. I didn't sleep last night. Not because I was nervous but because there was just so much to do - packing, cleaning, homework. But now I am nervous. I have not finished my homework. Have they judged me already for this as I have judged myself? I put on my favourite red shoes and pretend they go with a red cape so I can fly off superhero style to meet my destiny. 

We gather. 
Oh what a santa's village of wishes and hopes and dreams in this room. Oh the ambition so thick you could lick it from the air. But its the heart I feel most. The passion song here resonates my heart into acrobatics of harmonics. These are the change-makers, the visionaries, the courageous ones. And they picked me to be among their number. Tears tingle the corner of my eyes. 
I meet friends who will climb mountains with me. 

We light a fire and tell stories. 
The fire reminds us of our alchemy, our ability to transform.
The stories remind us to be humble, to honour our intuition, to listen to the messages of our grandmothers and the earth.

"Tell your partner a story of an early memory where you experienced awe and beauty."

When I was very small my father took me into forest almost every week. He taught me how to make a fire with pine gum and birch bark and how to rub cedar leaves between my fingers to breathe in their ancient perfume. I would beg to stay until the stars came out. I loved that quiet time of blue sky to indigo to black to silver. In the night the forest changed, became alive with spirit presence. This both frightened and delighted me as a girl. I then would beg for my dad to carry me along the forest path on our way home. Oh the safety of his arms. He wrote a song about these forest walks. He called it Oceans of Light. But what is an ocean of light? Is it the sky full of stars? Yes in part. But it is also love. The love that we swim through on magical nights like that.

We dance through smoke
 to clean ourselves to prepare ourselves for this journey. 
The knowledge keeper holds his drum high above the smudge and says, 
"You have four weeks to change the way the world thinks. You have four weeks to change the world.
 Are you ready?"

Ready or not here I come.
Another Strawberry Siting. The critters love them. 
We'd rather not share but sometimes.....nature
All love to you Adele at the beginning 
of a brigh new day. michelle xoxoxo

Thursday 18 June 2015

A note from Adele

Dear Wonderful Artists
As far as chemo sessions go, today's was not too terrible. When I got home I went to the laptop instead going to sleep.  What greeted me when I opened the blog was a wave of uplifting images and a surge of energy that literally jumped off the screen.  How can I thank you for giving me and all who share the blog such a gift?  You are an amazing community of people.

Thank you

                                         into the garden
                 gathering views for you Adele, 
                                          as I Observe....
                 ...Work and Select. 
                 Sending visions of fruit 
                 and dances to come.
                 Love, Michelle 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

LTTA Artist Educator PD, Level 3 Training and Sagonaska Adventures

Hi Adele,
Never a dull moment at LTTA. 
The flurry of activity that culminated with the fabulous Music Champion Celebration on June 11 (already well described by Nicole) didn't end the flow of intensity and creativity. 
Adding text and arranging flowers as an opening activity at the Equity workshop

On June 12, we held our LTTA Spring Artist-Educator PD session in conjunction with the Artist-Educator Level III training course on the topic of “Power & Privilege”. 
It was an equity workshop conducted by Shafik Aziz from The Harmony Movement. There was lots of thought provoking activities and good learning on the theme of equity. Carlie and l lead an opening and closing activity involving flowers and thoughts of what is unique that you bring to the workshop and what you will be taking away from it. Purchasing the flowers with Carlie that morning was a perfumed treat for that day.
Carlie at the flower shops on Avenue rd. getting blooms for the Artist-Educator PD activities.
On June 16, I facilitated a media arts workshop for the Artist-Educator Level III training course. Such a creative, collaborative and cohesive group of participants. They made media texts about their own artist educator practice while exploring media literacy learning.
Making a target audience pitch at Level III training.

On June 17, I was at Sagonaska School documenting some of the teachers' responses to the LTTA Digital Media Arts project that Martha Newbigging had lead there. Such an open and accomplished group of teachers participated in the program. They had positive and very useful comments to help shape future incarnations of the project. As I left the school I noticed a stunning tree that I hadn't seen before. This beautiful, variegated maple tree stands in front of the school. Most of the leaves have a delicate pale green fringe around a darker green centre. However, there are some branches that stood out with fully green leaves. It was unusual to see these two different types of leaves beaming so vibrantly from one tree. I marvelled at this tall stretch of nature, as I stood with the sun on my back on this warm June day.
Maple tree in front of Sagonaska School, Belleville.

Looking forward to our next cup of tea together.
Dear Adele and community,
Another postcard from Cass-land. It's about what you taught me and where I'm taking it.

This is the end of my first year as a half-time resource teacher. I managed to squeeze in a ton of arts integration and persuade colleagues to partner on fun projects. I also managed a little LTTA work: natural dyeing and stitching with kindergarten students to create insect pictures, animal scultures and so on. I love seeing the kids light up when they get their hands on the materials!

Some highlights:
  • Sand mandalas on school wellness day - by a mix of junior and intermediate students. What fascinated me was that the ISP students (with special needs) were the stars of the show, really into this and totally getting it. Plus just doing this with them gave us a connection so that they greet me in the hallway now.
Add caption
  • puppets: My writing students, grade 4s who struggle with writing, gave me paragraphs about their puppet characters in exchange for the materials to make them with. We had a lot of fun and of course used them for drama when the writing was done.
  • tessellated block printing by grade 7s
  • a 6'X12' mural by 4 intermediate girls for the school library - in progress
  • paper sculptures by grade 5s
  • weaving and patterning by grade 5s
  • spoken word and dance performances re: structures and forces, grade 5 - I can't show a picture but they were enacting earthquakes and tornados acting on bridges while making sound effects and describing forces in poetic language!
My main entertainments outside of school are bellydancing and judo! The bellydance class is taught by my dear friend, dancer and singer Roula Said. If any of you're ever into trying it out, she totally knows how to support people's health needs and send you home feeling good, having had a laugh. The judo is with my son. I used to do competitive judo to the national level long ago. Now I am re-learning it with him with no agenda but fun and connecting with my nearly-teenaged son. I guess both work and play are all about teaching and learning, for me. Plus powerful abs. 

What are your current entertainments?  

With love from Cass

Monday 15 June 2015

Music Champion

Dearest Adele,
Last week we lived through the Music Champion Celebration yet again. It was a delight and Carlie was golden. Lots of misty eyed teachers and shiny faced kids left Koerner hall that day. 

Here are a few highlights.

On Stage Highlight:
Lauren Best, Carlie Howell and I collaborated with a terrific class of grade one kids to teach their unit about telling directions by Toronto landmarks through drama, music, dance and eventually poetry too. It was quite a creative process. Rufus, Lauren and Carlie composed music to go directly with the dance. Here is a link to their song with the children's poems and the projections that went behind the dance.


The children took the shape of the CN tower. They ran in circles as the rotating restaurant and stretched up like the elevator. They did this amazing Hockey Hall of Fame  goally sequence that immediately earned cheers from the audience. (Who would have thought my crowning achievement as a choreographer/collaborator for children's dance would be about hockey!) They swam past Toronto's beaches and fell like cherry blossoms in High Park. The kids who got the most laughs were the "Tourists" work did this groovy little improvised dance while taking pictures of the Toronto landmarks, selfies and photos of the audience. I "conducted" the dance from the front row but really this was just an excuse to see it again up close. Tears left my heavily mascared eyes and got caught in the corners of my grin. They were truly magnificent. You would have loved them!

Backstage Highlight:
Near the beginning of the show, Carlie realized she'd left her electric bass in the dressing room and she needed it for the first act. I ran back to get it but on the way I was stopped by the stage volunteer and teacher who were in crisis because we were missing a parent-cello player and her cello. A whole cello player - AND a cello! I found someone to run and go look for her and helped to calm the kids and teacher who were due to go on stage. The parent ran up all frazzled. I assured her that all was just fine, and that she would have a great performance, she just needed to get on stage fast. Unfortunately there were about 40 excited kids between her and the stage and that took some effort to get her past them. Finally the parent cello player (and her cello) as well as the children were all on stage ready to play and Carlie ran off stage and said, "Where my bass?" to which I helpfully replied, "What bass?" Then I remembered and ran full tilt in my very high heels back to the dressing room to get it. Our stage volunteers dramatized several times after the show my apparently cartoonish run to the dressing room. I guess I took the corner with a fast skitter step hop hop hop on one foot (in my fancy heels.) I know I certainly frightened the poor musician practicing in the dressing room as I hurricaned past her. Anyway, it worked out. And it all gave us a story, that I can share with you!

Big hug and much child-love-creative-joy to you.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Hi Adele
I was at Comics Jam last night. I'm sharing a couple comics with you. Keep in mind, each panel is drawn by a different person. When you get the first panel, you have to figure out what will happen in the second panel and so on. It's always a surprise to see how the story you started finishes off. Sometimes it's a real challenge to end a story nicely, as you'll see in the baby story. The second comic features me as a character missing a bus!
Looking forward to seeing you soon in Consecon.
xo Martha

Monday 8 June 2015

Vienna at Dusk for you Adele. This is taken 3 summers ago during my summer stay in Vienna. It's one of the first pictures that I took during the trip. Dusk pulled at my heart as did all the copper-topped buildings. Blue and green and turquoise made more beautiful in a summer sky. I am thinking of you on this beautiful warm evening when all is calm and balmy. Sending Joy Sending Love, Michelle

A note from Adele

When I was a principal I presented the book Life Doesn't Frighten Me by Maya Angelou and Jean-Michel Basquiat to my graduating classes.  Both Angelou and Basquiat were incredibly courageous individuals who knew that fear was the enemy of creativity and who used their creativity to overcome tremendous personal hardship. I had hoped when I shared this with my graduates that some of that emotional intensity would touch them.  The message in the book and the powerful illustrations have been on my mind lately, especially as I marvel at the creativity that each of you present every day. Thank you for not being afraid. 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Dancing the Planets in Windsor

Hello Adele,
This week I had the pleasure of visiting Windsor to document Youth Empowerment Program classes. LTTA Artist Educator Louise Paquette lead this class in an exploration of the planets through dance. It was so wonderful to see them all collaborating and creating together to make a brief movement presentation to share some of their learning about their selected planet.
Click the link above to view a brief video of some of the bright lights in our sky.
Think of these dear ones the next time you look up into the darkness of night to see the twinkling of the stars and planets.
Good wishes,

Hi Adele
I'm celebrating my first poppy, planted from seeds a year ago, with a drawing. They are so bright, hardly any shadows. It catches my eye every time I pass my window.
xo Martha

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Inviting Captions...

Hello hello Adele, Look what I found!

Here is one from me

"It's all in the balance"