Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.

Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.

Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.

~Pueblo blessing

We welcome anyone who knew Adele to post on this blog any remembrances, comments, images, poems, quotes or whatever you like here. It is a place for us to honour and remember Adele and share with each other our memories and thoughts about her. If you don't have access to post on this blog but would like to, please contact Nicole Fougere at fougeredance3@gmail.com or John Scully at john.scully@sympatico.ca and we will set that up for you. If you would prefer to have us post something for you, please send it on to either of those email addresses and we will be happy to do so.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Creative Roof Repairs

Hi Adele,
This blog is about sharing creativity with you. Sometimes creativity comes in forms that we wouldn't consider artistic, but a creative approach is used none the less. Having an old and declining house causes me to use the right side of my brain to solve challenges frequently. I would like to think that I used a creative approach to my recent roof repairs. Our old and wobbly house has some ancient trim outside that has needed replacing for a long time. Since the weathered and rotting wood is at the very peak of the third story, the difficulty was in getting at it safely to fix it. I have pondered this for quite a while and decided that I would tackle the challenge this summer.

So I conceived of a platform that would fit between our house and the flat roof of our neighbour. I measured and built this structure and hauled it up the narrow space between our two houses. It was a long way up and a heavy thing to hoist but I somehow managed to accomplish that task. Unfortunately, I discovered a design flaw in the platform as soon as I tried to put it between the two buildings. It didn't fit! The distance between our two buildings wasn't the same at ground level end roof top. And it wasn't possible to the lift and move the structure along the length of the roof line. I should have known better. I find that I often have to do something first, discover all sorts of mistakes that I made and do it over again. So back to the drawing board, but this time I had to adapt it up on the neighbour's roof. 

With some major adjustments, the new version fit well between the buildings and allowed me fairly easily move it along the length of the house. Now I can walk out safely, high over the alleyway and start the replacements on the old wood. That was still a complicated job with the 100 year old wood containing a century of hidden treasures including lots of dust, crud, old squirrel residences and an active wasp's nest right at the peak. I removed the unwelcome guests and pulled away the old boards. The old wood is quite beautiful in it's own way, grey and weathered. I saved some for a possible artistic project to come. Lovely as it was, it just wasn't doing a very good job of protecting the insides of the house.

Their was some fun of getting the old boards and detritus out. I came across some splendid old wasp's nests; their intricate combs of grey paper-like material are so beautiful and delicate. The treat of those little finds was offset but the shear dirtiness of the task. Many years of coal dust and debris covered me as I pulled off the old to make way for the new. Of course I managed to choose the warmest days of the summer to be up on the roof. It was literally too scorching to touch the roof with exposed skin and metal tools became too hot to touch too. I had a new found respect for roofers who go up and do this everyday. Lots of water helped but I still got some nasty headaches; my brain was melting!

One pleasure of being up on the roof is the view. I've been able to see the street and surrounding neighbourhood from a brand new perspective. People walking by, squirrels scampering along the shingles, birds pecking and chirping from the nearby branches. I was up there this week as the sun was setting and the moon was rising. It was a lovely scene. 
The task is getting close to finished and I hope to complete it tomorrow. When I'm done, I won't miss the heat and the leaning over edge of the roof with a three storey drop, but I will miss the view and the quiet, contemplative time up on the roof.  I'll also miss the pleasure of tackling challenges and finding solutions to the repairs difficulties. (To be honest, it wasn't all quiet and a pleasure. There were many choice curses used as particularly difficult boards or siding was attached) However, I'm not too worried about those absences with the completion of this job. With an old house, there will always be the next task that needs doing and the unexpected crumblings that will be calling out for attention. 

As you can see, in this last photo, the job is progressing. 
The platform is seen here being used for getting in and out of the house through the window to Leslie's studio. That fading and peeling window trim is the next little challenge that will rise up for repair. 
Good wishes and hugs to you,

Sunday 19 July 2015

One more post today, Adele... have to share the glorious sunset on Weller's Bay.
xo Martha

Hi Adele

Earlier in the week I took my nephews (10 and 13) to the zoo to see the pandas. It was so hot the kids were melting so we had to sit in the shade for about an hour. Luckily I brought drawing materials. One of their favourite games is for me to draw a scribble and they turn it into something. Here is a medley of their doodles.
And below that, the most surprising residents at the zoo... could have photographed them all day... sea jellies!

with love,

Thursday 16 July 2015

Live theatre extravaganza

Hello Adele,
The summer is a terrific time in Toronto to experience lots of creative festivals and see live performances. I've seen some really wonderful ones as part of the Fringe and Panamania.
One of the most exciting and dynamic ones featured Ciara Adams and the bluemouth theatre group that she works with. "It Comes in Waves" is an immerse theatre experience with lots of audience participation and movement. It is definitely not a sit back and watch from your seat type of show.
It starts with a group paddle in massive canoes over to the Toronto Islands. We then walk through and experience and interact with the Island and site based performances. It is a unique theatrical event that explores loss, memory, community and mortality. 
It reminds me of how incredibly powerful the arts are to touch your heart, mind and spirit and embed new memories and evoke old ones.
I highly recommend it. It runs until July 24.
Here are a few photos to give you a sense of what it looks like but they don't begin to do justice to what it feels, sounds, smells and tastes like.
I look forward to having tea with you very soon,

Wednesday 15 July 2015


And this link will hopefully work!
Hi Adele,

The puppets say hello!

I've found yet another MOOC platform.  It's FutureLearn run by Open University in Britain.  I'm taking a course from the University of Sheffield on how to write your first song.  My song is still under construction so I'm resting on my laurels and posting another How to Write Like Mozart piece. Yet another piece written in a music writing program and altered with a virtual synthesizer.


Hope you are feeling strong.

Monday 13 July 2015

Dear Adele,
My current path is crisscrossed.
I am heading, shedding, impeding, second guessing…
Navigating, negotiating, procrastinating, recalculating…
Leaning in!
All in silence within.
I say: It is my present.
Keep up with this time to “BE”
Just “be” enjoying the beauty of the power of now.
So for now,
Sharing art found @ the grocery store that seemed to be conspiring FOR me.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Hi Adele
I just got back from my kayak trip in the Johnstone Strait in BC. It was a full five senses experience. The waves splashed my face and I could taste the salt water. The ocean water was very cold up that way. The soft spongy ground we slept on was often a midden, made of millennia of clam shells, topped with soil and pine needles. The whole place smelled so fresh and earthy. We could constantly hear crows squawking and bald eagles squeaking. The landscape was beautiful, mountains, islands of rock and trees, glistening whitecaps and we even saw a humpback whale slowly surface and dive and heard it breathe. Here are a couple sketches from my waterproof sketchbook (which was never truly tested); one of giant driftwood on a beach (everything seems to be Jurassic-sized in BC) and another or moi paddling!
Hope to see you in Consecon.
With love, Martha

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Hello Adele,
I am out in the countryside on the land belonging to my extended family/ intentional community which has shared lives and homes for 44 years now. My parents, brothers and I used to visit from St. John's every summer, and it would strike me how lush the Southern Ontario countryside is: green, full of birds and insects, warm and moist. I still see it through that lens somedays; the landscape I grew up in was rocky taiga gnawed by the North Atlantic ice and gales.

Today we took down a venerable barn which was the original homestead from the late 1800s. It was sagging badly, so we have decided to build a new one for the next century or so, as a family/ community building project. One of the elders told us about the time he met the family who built the homestead, and then instructed my son to tell the story of the old barn once he himself graduates to old geezer status.

Soon I go to Italy, solo, and put on my artist cape. I will visit the Tarot Garden of Niki de Saint Phalle to see her monumental mosaic sculptures/buildings. I will take a three-dimensional mosaic course in Ravenna. My mother and son will join me for a brief tour of Venice, Florence and Rome. My son wants to see Rome, partly because of Asterix. This is a trip that I saved for for many years.

Here are links to pictures from the Tarot Garden:

I am feeling very privileged right now. It is good to be able to fill up on experiences. To be able to include my son and mother is so special. I will transform my adventures into ideas and experiences for children.

Monday 6 July 2015

                      Dearest Adele, 
                      It's that time of year when 
                     blooms are bowing to the sun
                     paths are illuminated 

                     views are plenitful
                     ...and when taking long city walks in our 
                     beautiful emerald city at dusk 
                     is wonder-filled 
                     Love and Joy to you. Michelle xo

Friday 3 July 2015

Flowers for you

Dear Adele,
On July 1, we took a terrific drive through the countryside. The day alternated between beaming bright sun and dark, stormy clouds with rain. 
We managed by good luck to be outside for each of the sunny periods and back in the car travelling for the refreshing rain showers. 
We came upon a massive field of Black Eyed Susans (correct flower name?) and we all piled out to pick a big bouquet. 

As we carried on to visit Leslie's cousin's farm, we gathered a bucketful of the freshest, still warm eggs from the hen house. The yokes were as golden as the petals of the flowers on the table. We also picked up some amber maple syrup boiled from sap this spring in the maple bush that has been in Leslie's family for generations.
It was such a treat to be out in the countryside on a glorious Canada Day. I hope that you had a fine day too.
Good wishes to you as the summer days grow and the breeze feel like warm silk upon your skin.
Cup of tea upon your return?