Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.

Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.

Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.

~Pueblo blessing

We welcome anyone who knew Adele to post on this blog any remembrances, comments, images, poems, quotes or whatever you like here. It is a place for us to honour and remember Adele and share with each other our memories and thoughts about her. If you don't have access to post on this blog but would like to, please contact Nicole Fougere at fougeredance3@gmail.com or John Scully at john.scully@sympatico.ca and we will set that up for you. If you would prefer to have us post something for you, please send it on to either of those email addresses and we will be happy to do so.

Sunday 27 December 2015

sitting by the fire

Hi Adele,
I was just sitting by the fire at Angela's house and admiring all her nice Christmas decorations and I had the idea to send you some photos.

Angela's was one of a small handful of houses on the Westport Christmas tour last year and people came round to see her expert xmas decorations. This year she kept it low key and just put up a few, but a few for her is a lot for me and to my eyes its seems like there are Christmas sparkles everywhere.

Kind Christmas wishes to you,

holy grail of holiday liquor

Hi again Adele,
A friend showed me this silly liquor commercial from the 70's today. 

Click on this link:

It is a worthy bit of silliness. Hope it makes you smile.

Thinking of you,

Friday 25 December 2015

Holiday Greetings....for all celebrations.

Light touches our hearts
in this season of rebirth
and joy to all the earth!

warm wishes to Adele and all who read this,

Thursday 24 December 2015

Dear Adele, Thinking Of You On Christmas Eve

Sending you our Advent wreath with all four candles ablaze - my son tells me I should have used a filter for this pic - I tell him that you have the gift of imagination.

Here is where we gathered though these 4 weeks of advent in prayer and in revelry.

Here is where we remembered with gratitude the people who have been companions on our journey and situations that have shaped us who we are today.

Here is where we wished for others and ourselves the gifts that Christmas gently reminds us to choose Hope, Joy, Love and Peace.

You were thought of many times, so I am sending you our Advent wreath with all four candles ablaze - one for each of these Christmas gifts.

To you and yours
May your days be filled with Hope, Joy, Love and Peace.
Joshua Keenan Reggie and Melanie 

Merry Christmas Eve Dear Adele
A moment with Mary in Mexico City in November of this Year - on my way to a 
wonderful planning session with the incomparable Alito Alessi 
Mary brings so much ease and goodness - couldn't help to share it with you 
- one of my favorite women
and the other - forgive me if I've posted this before - a steel sheet sculpture in Downtown Toronto poised near a vent that blusters
misty air in and around it - behind the screen are a gazillion garbage and recycle bins
hmmmmmm - very fancy - who says that art isn't ingenious - not us. I love you 
and am thinking of you with Joy. Michelle 

Merry Christmas Adele!

Hi Adele
So lovely to have that eggnog latte with you earlier this week!
Wishing you a Happy Christmas with family and friends.
Lotsa love,

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Songs for the Holidays

Happy Holidays Adele!  It was so lovely to see you in the office last month, and since then I've had it in the back of my mind to post a little something here on the blog.  So, I thought I would share Songs for the Holidays a compilation album that I participated in by recording one of my songs earlier this month.  My musical take on winter is #7, alongside other Toronto musicians.

Just follow this link : http://almonderecords.bandcamp.com/yum
Type in this code : weej-6r3s

And the album will be yours!  (it will come to your computer as a zip folder, you just need to click on it to open and enjoy!) 

Wishing you a solstice season filled with peace & light!   Carlie

                                                                                December 2015

Dear Friends

My sincerest wishes for a wonderful holiday and a happy new year. 

I thank you all for your support, your kind thoughts and all the creative endeavours that have enhanced my life.

May 2016 bring you peace, love and joy.


Monday 21 December 2015

Hi Adele,
My friend Debbie saw this on a telephone pole on Dupont Street and sent it to me.
I thought you might enjoy it too.
Thinking of you!

Sunday 20 December 2015

Soap Making at The Centre of Creativity

Dear Adele,
Greetings from Westport at Angela's home. 

We have been thinking of you a lot and sending you love and good wishes and prayers.

There are a few of us living up here right now. Myself, Angela, and Kate Eccles who you know, as well as a unique woman named Ginger and her daughter Angeline.
All of us are strong woman in times of transition and change. It is quite a special alchemy going on here. We have many meaningful conversations. 

Yesterday we made soap. (That's a different kind of alchemy.) We spoke about being multi-layered individuals creating multi-layered soap. Here we all are in Angela's kitchen engaged in this creativity.

First you melt pure glycerin soap, add colour and scent, then pour it into moulds. Sometimes we even hid charms inside the soap that say things like "dream" or "love."

When you first pop the soap out of the moulds it is immensely satisfying. 

The big blocks of soap can be sliced into smaller bars revealing all sorts of patterns. 

Here is Angeline enjoying the sensory experience of the essential oils in the soap.

Angeline is seven. 
She has some skill with a camera so many of the photos in this post are taken by her. 
She had fun documenting us and our creations. 

At the end of our process we put them all in pretty packages with ribbons. 

You are in our hearts every day during this time of family and love.
with Angela, Kate, Ginger and Angeline